tips for using wallpaper at home

tips for using wallpaper at home


Decoration | Transform and personalize your walls, furniture and accessories with wallpaper. Make your house look pure color and movement.

A good idea is to add prints with tropical designs. The paper, according to quality, has a minimum duration of five years.

A good idea is to add prints with tropical designs. The paper, according to quality, has a minimum duration of five years.

If the wallpaper is in intense tones, decorate the room with white or light gray furniture, so that the result is harmonious.

If the wallpaper is in intense tones, decorate the room with white or light gray furniture, so that the result is harmonious.

The motifs of landscapes and cities give a feeling of greater depth in the environment.

The motifs of landscapes and cities give a feeling of greater depth in the environment.

If the paper is dark in design, good warm lighting is recommended so that the environment does not look gloomy.

If the paper is dark in design, good warm lighting is recommended so that the environment does not look gloomy.

Remove dust from the wallpaper, using a dry or semi-damp cloth. If it has stains, it is possible to clean them with neutral soap and water.

Remove dust from the wallpaper, using a dry or semi-damp cloth. If it has stains, it is possible to clean them with neutral soap and water. (Photo: Maisons du Monde)

Today the walls have acquired bold designs and patterns thanks to the use of wallpaper, leaving the typical sober white walls forgotten. With this material it is also possible to decorate doors, furniture and accessories, and achieve a house full of color and movement.

There are two types of wallpaper: duplex and vinyl. The first is characterized by being textured and with full tones, ideal for areas with little traffic; While the second one is smooth, it comes in an infinity of designs and is the most used in social areas. These pieces are adhered with a special glue.

To achieve a harmonious decoration in your home, it is recommended that this piece should replicate the tones present in the main textiles, ornaments or furniture. If the room is small, cover only a wall with small motifs and light colors, so as not to saturate. If it is wide, you can cover two or more walls and bet on intense colors.

Prints and versatility

Lean towards neutral tones, such as cream, beige, polka dots or background grays, with natural motifs (leaves, branches or landscapes), to achieve a warm and subtle atmosphere. For a more risky proposal, choose border designs, arabesques, stripes, geometric or moving lines, in strong tones, such as black, green, fuchsia, red or yellow. Get a classic quota by including baroque or diamond-shaped medallion patterns.

Wooden doors and furniture – specifically the drawer fronts of a dresser, nightstand or console – can also be customized by covering them with wallpaper. In order for the glue to adhere, you must prepare the surface. Sand it down to remove roughness and apply a sealer.

Source: El Comercio

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