What is the wallpaper?

What is the wallpaper?


Room with wallpaper



Since its appearance, it was known as wallpaper as it was made by hand. It is originally from the East, exported to Europe in the 15th century. The use of wallpaper is the decoration of interior walls of buildings. Illustrations of various forms are used to preserve visual harmony.

He immediately began to have greater surplus value and only the wealthiest families could use it in their homes. A good example is the Harewood house which is located in the United Kingdom, distinguished by its beautiful paintings and decorative art.

Industrial Revolution

After the industrial revolution, the wallpaper was reduced thanks to the mechanization of the product. All people could have it in their homes and fashions began to emerge: In the twentieth century floral designs proliferated in different colors. Subsequently, in the 40’s began the tendency to geometric figures. And already in the 70’s it had great popularity and began a wide variety of designs and colors. Practically, there was no house that did not have Wallpaper.

Nowadays wallpaper is an essential part of a good home decoration. It makes this look brighter or more spacious or with a touch different from other homes. Thanks to its immense variety in designs, which can be from basic geometric figures, to impressive realistic landscapes.

Types of Wallpaper


There are different types for each household, here are some:

Painted .: it is the traditional paper, its main characteristic is that it consists of a single sheet of paper and adheres to a smooth wall with the help of glue.

Vinylized Coated with a layer of varnish which protects the pattern and helps as a dirt repellent, it is easy to clean, but not as much as vinyl.

Vinyl This paper has a great feature, it is covered by a layer of plastic. It helps to protect the paper and facilitate its cleaning. It is highly recommended for places that can get dirty easily and with moisture.

Textile base. It gives a very decorative touch, but it is difficult to clean. In addition you have to use a special glue to place it, since, if it is not done with the right tools, it usually comes off.

Self-adhesive :. The easiest to install since it has glue included. With perfect advice, anyone is able to install it without any problem. In Iberia, we not only sell wallpaper, we teach you to install it and we even give you the basis to design the interior of your home.


Wallpaper has been and will continue to be a trend in interior design. It has even marked times throughout history. We invite you to continue being part of the evolution of this beautiful material.

What do you expect to use it in your home?

Source: Internet

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